Storage Tips
Storage Tips

Moving can be a stressful time for everyone involved, and it is important to plan ahead to ensure the best result for everyone. Our storage tips will help. By spending some extra time up front, you will save yourself a lot of time in the long run.
In the meantime, here are some handy hints:
It is important to plan ahead. When storing, keep the most frequently used items at the front of your container storage unit where you can get at them easily.
Make a simple map of your container storage unit on a sheet of paper and attach it to the wall so you know where everything is.
Cover up your items, particularly furniture. These can be covered with sheets. Mattresses can be covered also.
Make the best use of your storage area by stacking to the ceiling, working from heaviest items on the bottom to lightest items on top. Ensure all whiteware, fridges, washing machines are stacked closest to the entrance door to be given the opportunity to breath.
- Shovels, hoes, rakes, and hoses can be stored together in empty trash cans. Stack extra cans inside one another.
WARNING Ensure all items stored are 100% dry. Items stored wet can lead to condensation and mould.
While you might not enjoy it on the day, moving is a memorable occasion in your life, particularly if you have children. Don’t forget to take a few photos so you can look back and remember what the big event was all about!
When it comes to packing your items for storage, there are some important things to remember. You should think about some of the following things:
- Be prepared. Gather all the materials and supplies you need before you start: boxes, tape, packing materials, markers, furniture covers and so on.
- Label, label, label. Mark every box with its contents, and keep a written inventory as you pack.
- Take care. Pack small things carefully into boxes with appropriate packing materials. Resist the temptation to toss things into a rubbish bag; they risk damage from knocks or bumps and mildew from lack of ventilation.
- If you combine different weights of items in one box, always put the heavier things on the bottom and mark the box “this side up.”
- Don’t overload. Packed boxes should only weigh as much as you can lift without straining – for most people, less than 20 kilograms.
- Make sure all your packed boxes are securely sealed with packing tape, with the tops flat (to make it easier to stack them).
- Disassemble bed frames and tie them together with tape or rope. Use small plastic bags to store screws and bolts and tape them to the frame that they belong to.
- Furniture shouldn’t be placed directly on the floor. Use plastic or material to cushion heavy items.
- Stack chairs seat to the seat with cloth or paper separating them.
- Place a cover over all furniture, especially sofas, recliners and anything of value
- Mattresses should be covered and stood on their end to maximize space.
- Wrap all breakable items separately in tissue or packing paper, box and ensure they are marked ‘Fragile’.
- Pack breakables in strongboxes so they are well protected.
- Use packing material at the top and bottom of boxes for added protection.
- Empty spaces should be filled with packing paper.
- Ensure you haven’t stacked heavy items on top of cartons containing breakables.
- Ensure all electronic equipment is clean and dry before storing.
- Sensitive equipment is best stored in the manufacturers packaging or other suitable cartons.
- If storing a refrigerator or freezer, leave the door slightly ajar to prevent mildew forming.
- It is best to store clothing and other materials in wardrobe cartons to protect them.
- Use naphthalene or mothballs.
- In order to help prevent metal items such as tools from rusting, wipe the item with a few drops of oil before storing them away.
- Pack these items away from goods that may be stained such as furniture.